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Business and Finance


The mission of the Division of Business and Finance is to Insure the fiscal integrity of the University in support of the University's Mission. The Division will accomplish this by employing state-of-the-art management practices, proven accounting principles, and reliable audit reviews throughout all of the operating units in the Division of Business and Finance.

The Division is also committed to developing responsible, financially-stable, and balanced operating budgets that are based on reliable sources of revenue and possess expenditures that support the mission of the University.

The Departments that fall under Business and Finance are as follows:


Comptroller's Office 

Budget Office

Accounting Services

Payroll Services

Accounts Payable

Grants and Contracts Accounting


Office of Student Accounts

Human Resources

Bursar (Cashier's Office) 


Contact Information

Alondrea Johnson Pritchett, Vice-President for Business and Finance                                                                                                   

Phone: (334) 229-4223

Email: apritchett@alasu.edu


Ms. Tameka Jackson, Senior Financial Analyst                                                                                                                                             

Phone: (334) 229-4879                                                                                                                                                                                     

Email: tajackson@alasu.edu


Ms. Marshetia R. Baldwin, Financial Administrative Assistant                                                                                                                                        

Phone: (334) 229-4223                                                                                                                                                                                     

Email: mbaldwin@alasu.edu


Physical Address:

海角直播, Business and Finance

Councill Hall Room #124

915 S. Jackson Street

Montgomery, AL 36104


Mailing Address:

海角直播, Business and Finance

P.O. Box 271

Montgomery, AL 36101-0271


Phone - 334-229-4223